Customer Guide

Refusal to collect e-mail without permission

Refusal to collect e-mail without permission

  • We refuse the e-mail address posted on this homepage from being collected without permission by e-mail collection program or other technological devices; violation of such is punishable by law under 『ACT ON PROMOTION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK UTILIZATION AND INFORMATION PROTECTION, ETC.』.
  • Posted on January 1, 2019

ACT ON PROMOTION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK UTILIZATION AND INFORMATION PROTECTION, ETC., Article 50-2 (Prohibition on Collecting Electronic Mail Address Without Permission, etc.)

  1. No one may collect e-mail addresses by using a program or other technical device that automatically collects e-mail addresses from the Internet homepage where the intention to refuse the collection of e-mail addresses is specified.
  2. No one may sell or distribute e-mail addresses collected in violation of the provisions of Paragraph 1.
  3. No one may sell and distribute an e-mail address while knowing that it is prohibited under paragraphs 1 and 2 and use it for information transmission.